Swami Vivekananda
…………………………….The Most dynamic demonstrator of India and Hinduism Narendranath Datta was born in an upper-middle class family in Bengal. He was educated at a Western-style university ,exposed to Western philosophy, Christianity and Science . Social reform was given a prominent place in Vivekananda’s thought and he joined the Brahmo Samaj, dedicated to eliminating child marriage and illiteracy and determined to spread education among women and the lower castes.

He later became the most notable disciple of Ramakrishna, who demonstrated the essential unity of all religions. Always stressing the universal and humanistic side of the Vedas as well as belief in service rather than dogma, Vivekananda attempted to infuse vigour into Hindu thought, placing less emphasis on the prevailing pacifism and presenting Hindu spirituality to the west. He was an strong activating force behind the Vedanta movement in the US and England . In 1893 he appeared in Chicago as a spokesman for Hinduism at the World’s Parliament of Religions and so captivated the assembly that a newspaper account described him as “an orator by divine right and undoubtedly the greatest figure at the parliament”.

He founded the Ramakrishna Mission which now has a worldwide organization. He is bitterly known as Swami Vivekananda.

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