Srinivasa Ramanujan

…………………………… The Dynamic Math-Man Srinivasa Ramanujan was 15 when his mathematical genius was aroused by George Shoobridge Carr’s Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure and Applied Mathematics. He began deriving his own theorems and ideas. He received a scholarship in 1903 to study at the University of Madras , But the very last year he was deprived of it due to his dedicated approach to mathematics and callous attitude towards all other subjects. Without any aim , Ramanujan led a life of abject poverty for several years but continued his work. Eventually, he took up the job of a clerk at the Madras Port Trust. In 1911 his first work was published in the journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. He went to England in 1914 , where he was tutored by Hardy. They conducted also research together .
Ramanujan did pioneering work in the field of continued fractions. He derived the Riemann Series , the elliptical integral, hypergeometric series, functional equations of zeta function, and his own theory of divergent series. His papers were published in European and British journals. He became the first Indian to be elected to Royal Society of Landon in 1918. For Mathematicians the world over, he belonged to league of legend such as Karl Jacobi and Leonhard Euler.

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