Amartya Sen

………………………. Amartya Sen was born in Santiniketan in West Bengal in 1933. He was the first Indian to get the Novel Prize in economics. After the Royal Swedish Academy of Science conferred the prize , the international community had finally given the ultimate stamp of approval to normative economics, He was the proponents of welfare economics , which deals with the problem of choice. His work on the causes of poverty and famines led to the construction of the poverty line, a measure which is widely used by the UN and other world bodies to determine the level of poverty in a particular country.

He delineated once the parliament of developing countries about whether to adopt labour-intensive or capital-breaking publication, Choice of Techniques, he pointed out that India’s basic problem was deep-seated poverty and inequality .His observation on India : “ Inequality in India is not only a serious barrier to social justice, it has ended up being a major obstacle to general economics and social progress.”

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